Monday, March 14, 2005
Echoes and Shadows
Have You ever wondered about Echoes and Shadows. Its the most brilliant example of how mysterious our world really is. Every one knows how shadows work its just brilliant how they play around with you. If you are ever driving down an empty highway and you are not the driver pls do check the road for these little nothings on the road that never fail to amaze..
Thursday, March 10, 2005
I Wish I Couuld Just Be
Why I cant just be..I want to be here and not move. I mean In this space and time. Just frozen. Thats one luxury that i guess no one has!!!!
Friday, March 04, 2005
Getting out of the Rhythm
Lifes all abt getting into the rhythm getting into a cycle, getting into the a groove so to speak.. WRONG .. it couldnt be far from the truth.. y would u want to catch the 7:53 am train every day.. the answer could be that it is less crowded than the 7:58 train but if thats the only reason there is a problem with the way that we think . Its so deep rooted that we dont know it. the way god designed life there is nothing predictable abt it.. The problem arises when u r supposed to wake up and be some where at a paricular time every day or they cut ur salary, dont get a promotion, stand out side class, get humiliated or may be even get fired. we are constatly fighting time.. we need 36 hrs in a day... its only when i resigned that i realised the monotony of life, the one that every one wants us to have . one becomes so closed not open to new ideas . i can see like hundreds of ppl who havnt gone out of the city in years... they may have wanted to go out initialy but now its the groove the rhythm that just tells u "but its nice here all familiar"
I dont know may be the rhythm is a good thing but i wonder...
I dont know may be the rhythm is a good thing but i wonder...

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