Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Edge of Sanity
Mt Sanity Stood high.
Isolated it stood in the middle of insanity.
It existed between appearing and disappearing
A mystical forest rose on top of this giant.
Giant trees of this ancient forest stood proud.
SunLight seemed to shower
The Rain seemed to glide
The breeze was cold but warm
The lake almost merged with the sky.
"Ohh, Sanity why would I leave you"
The man sat there at the Edge of sanity repeating again and again
"Sanity why would I leave you."
"Sanity why would I leave you."
"Sanity why would I leave you."
Each line was different.
Each line was convinced.
Each line was from a different time.
Each line was almost never said before.
The cigarette hissed as it burned.
Ash flew back up on to Sanity.
The cigarette was flicked far from Sanity.
The man stood up stretched his ams out.
"Sanity you bore me"
And Flew off.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Simplicity Ignored
Its soo easy to be with a bunch of people and be completely alone. The real world is built inside your head, this is more true now then ever. With the advent of Facebook and all the social networking sites. People just found another way of projecting what they would have projected at you anyways when you met them except now its in the form of a status update. Now its easy to project your attitude over 1000 of your friends.
I get caught when i see an update from a friend (so called). I see the update and i feel "Wow" i have an insight into their life.
Its all done with a purpose.
I think to my self he just some how subconsciously updated his Facebook update about how he didn't think a particular Star was so short or how over rated the food at the exclusive Foo Foo restaurant he just at at. A person new to this this is jumps up and replies to the message and likes the status message then when they meet they talk about it. What a guy, such an honest man just expressing his inner self.
Fucking bastard I am on to you.

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