Monday, June 13, 2005
Now cable is a blessing for the couch potato. There is no reason y any one would need 200 channels. Imagine this You give yourself 10 secs per channel on an average and then you come back to the same chanel after 2000 secs thats 33 mins.. A new program has started of which you know nothing of, or may be its The National Geographic. And they are showing you an hour special on kangroos mating. Its a loose loose situation any ways. You will never get to watch any thing. I guess the only ppl at loss after the invention of cable are the advertising people ie nobody watching their ads. At the end of it u end up skipping more channels to avoid the ads and for get what channel u were on.
They should have a reward system in place You watch ads You get free cable.I wonder if it already exists. So if i want free cable i will be battred by the buy this campaign. And if i pay for the channel i dont see y i should be seein advertising. Its like you are paying for the advertising. Which in turn makes your products cost more coz they r advertising they include it in the cost of the product. So you my friend are paying to make your products expensive.
They should have a reward system in place You watch ads You get free cable.I wonder if it already exists. So if i want free cable i will be battred by the buy this campaign. And if i pay for the channel i dont see y i should be seein advertising. Its like you are paying for the advertising. Which in turn makes your products cost more coz they r advertising they include it in the cost of the product. So you my friend are paying to make your products expensive.

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