Friday, September 16, 2005
Fever dog

As time ceases to move at its usual pace. You realize that time moves really slowly if you are not enjoying yourself. You would want time to chug along really fast if you are having a headache,but no. Time will act like little kid dragging its feet on the way to the school. I hate the relativity of time. You cant count on it move a certain way. Its all relative to the way you are feeling.
If only you could speed up time to make all the boring times move faster.. Like the time when your friends online say "hmmmmm".. Like the awkward time you have when there is no conversation left.. Speed them up.
But time moves like an elephant. If one sees an elephant leisurely strolling around you cannot guess that this giant beast will ever move faster than that. But i advise you not to mock this lumbering giant. Its speed will catch you off guard and also elephants never forget. Elephants also dont take jokes too well. Especially jokes on their mother being fat.
Please dont mock elephants..

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