Friday, October 14, 2005
I hate waiting. Waiting makes me feel unimportant. Time seems to crawl. I wonder why I am doing what I am doing. The universe and its creation is pondered upon needlessly.
It is very dark. Staying in the dark I adapted to this. This is my cover. The Dark is my cover. This does not mean I like the dark. Its the only cover I can afford. So I just wait. I have to kill to live. I hate killing. There is no escaping the hunger. I haven't eaten in days now. My last hit was unsuccesfull. I need this to work.
They aren't many hits these days. That's why its difficult to wait I don't know for how long. There has to be an easier way. I cant do this forever. I am getting too old for this game. I don't have patience I am so hungry. Life was ment to be different. I didn't want to be waiting here.
Ohh !! My wait could be over. Is he coming here? Looks well off. Looks well fed also.
I sprang him as he was passing by. With one swift blow I had him. This was too easy.
And so the Lizard Had his dinner
It is very dark. Staying in the dark I adapted to this. This is my cover. The Dark is my cover. This does not mean I like the dark. Its the only cover I can afford. So I just wait. I have to kill to live. I hate killing. There is no escaping the hunger. I haven't eaten in days now. My last hit was unsuccesfull. I need this to work.
They aren't many hits these days. That's why its difficult to wait I don't know for how long. There has to be an easier way. I cant do this forever. I am getting too old for this game. I don't have patience I am so hungry. Life was ment to be different. I didn't want to be waiting here.
Ohh !! My wait could be over. Is he coming here? Looks well off. Looks well fed also.
I sprang him as he was passing by. With one swift blow I had him. This was too easy.
And so the Lizard Had his dinner

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