Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Dream come true

If, Mr. Hawkings is right.
Then we could potentially sleep in one place and wake up in another. And no I don’t mean horny little gremlins carrying you away. Worm holes. What if they just transport people from one universe to the other with out their consent. What if the hundreds of thousands of people missing in this world are missing because they were sucked in by a Worm hole? Transporting them to a stranger universe. Another dimension. May be another time. And what ever anyone thinks of becomes a reality in some universe. And what if we jump into that universe? Would it be a dream come true.
I hate getting up in the morning. If only work began at 12. I don’t see the point y work has to begin so early. Not like we depend on sun light for any thing but to growing our crops. Yawn...
Shower...10 mins
Tea... 5 mins
Breakfast...15 mins
Get ready. 10 mins
Finally out of the door. I am sooo late. Strange no news paper today. Hmm...
Why is there no one on the road? No autos. The autowalas sleeping at this time! What the hell is wrong with them? Some one must have f**ked with my watch. But no has been to my house. It’s really unlikely some one breaks into my house and changes the time.
"Hey, what’s the time?” I asked while tapping this guy who was jogging past me.
"10.45 AM", he said. May be he is in on it too. Some elaborate bakra.
There is that jogging uncle. At this time? He’s never late. What the hell is happening?
I can’t be in on this I have to get to work. I will walk. Some one is going to pay for this prank.
Am I going insane? A lot of people are in on this. The traffic light s aren’t working!!
The world decided to wake up late today? That’s crazy. May be I am crazy. I have been under a lot of stress lately. What the hell is this? I have to call some one who’s not really close enough to pull a prank. Boss.....
"Hello”, ME
“Ya tell me", Boss
"Sunil, I am going to be a little late today I can’t find an auto on the road", ME
"Where are you? Don’t u stay 15 20 mins from office", Sunil
"On the road looking for autos", me
"Office starts at 12", Sunil
"Huh!!!!!!!! Since when", ME
"Since always, hello hellooo ..you ok?", Sunil
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Maybe people don't die & they are transported to just another Galaxy.... may be thet's God's rotation policy... what say?
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