Wednesday, September 06, 2006
There is electricity in the air. Strangely people were enjoying themselves. It wasn’t voluntary we had no choice. I hate this. I am a doctor, I can’t do this. But this enemy needs to be defeated. Have they gotten to me? Am I still me? I can’t do this? I should just walk out. If they want to kill me they can just shoot me. But they are going to shoot me. I AM NOT A DRONE.
General Kamikaze walks past his legions of solders. The special the elite group. These people who will sacrifice their life for the cause.These people are already martyrs. General Kamikaze was following orders. He dint believe in the war. But dint
have a choice. He would be shot if he said otherwise. War is a strange time for
people. Normal doctors, shopkeepers, sweepers turn into solders and suddenly start killing. He waves farewell to the solders his elite dead solders.
I AM NOT STANDING HERE ANY MORE. They can kill me if they want. Look at him sitting in his car while I go kill my self. I have to do some thing. I am going to take him out. IF I go I am not going alone. I have my sword. I will get him in the chest.
AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AA AAA...(Bang bang bang)
The mission Continues. General Kamikaze survives with just a scratch. The solders of the empire sit in their vehicles to continue on the mission.They sit in yell some thing in Japanese and start their engines. The engines roar.
Thousand s of planes take off. Raining terror on the enemy.
Down below two friends on a bike trying to get to a party. They don’t know they have been singled out. The pillion rider looks up, Sees drops of rain. Coming towards him like little suicide bombers. Mustafa tells Mihir do they look like little kamikaze bombers or is that me.
“Its raining shut up. And you told this to me ages ago.” Mihir
“But it seems like they are trying to get me.” Mustafa
“Save my Phone.” Mihir
“Every time we go to a party, Damn you Kamikaze drops.” Screamed Mustafa
General Kamikaze walks past his legions of solders. The special the elite group. These people who will sacrifice their life for the cause.These people are already martyrs. General Kamikaze was following orders. He dint believe in the war. But dint
have a choice. He would be shot if he said otherwise. War is a strange time for
people. Normal doctors, shopkeepers, sweepers turn into solders and suddenly start killing. He waves farewell to the solders his elite dead solders.
I AM NOT STANDING HERE ANY MORE. They can kill me if they want. Look at him sitting in his car while I go kill my self. I have to do some thing. I am going to take him out. IF I go I am not going alone. I have my sword. I will get him in the chest.
AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AA AAA...(Bang bang bang)
The mission Continues. General Kamikaze survives with just a scratch. The solders of the empire sit in their vehicles to continue on the mission.They sit in yell some thing in Japanese and start their engines. The engines roar.
Thousand s of planes take off. Raining terror on the enemy.
Down below two friends on a bike trying to get to a party. They don’t know they have been singled out. The pillion rider looks up, Sees drops of rain. Coming towards him like little suicide bombers. Mustafa tells Mihir do they look like little kamikaze bombers or is that me.
“Its raining shut up. And you told this to me ages ago.” Mihir
“But it seems like they are trying to get me.” Mustafa
“Save my Phone.” Mihir
“Every time we go to a party, Damn you Kamikaze drops.” Screamed Mustafa

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