Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The chair
The spider makes its move on the unsuspecting next meal. I
ponder!! This looks really exciting on the National Geographic. Why am I not
enjoying it? Just because it’s happening in my surroundings I don’t appreciate
the wild life. They probably see the lion eat a buffalo every day. I guess
National geographic isn’t really targeting
I wonder if national geographic will cover this. And beam it to the Africans
who will in turn think that WOW!! this is so hardcore. All we have are stupid
Lions eating the buffalo. Now Mumbai that’s were all the wild life actually
This is really boring. Wild life is for the zoo. May be I should take
this spider to the zoo.
Man this is such a boring day.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Salgaonkaing Vs Nishant Bagan
those of you who just joined in the score is 2-2 two self goals by
both sides have kept both teams in the game. Lets hope some thing
exciting happens"
Both clubs look equally incapable of scoring a goal.. Salgaokaring and Nishant Bagan( not actual clubs)..
"Oh wait a min FC Salgaonkarings star player Gamu is running through the defence of the
Gamu's trade mark cigarette in one hand. Stopping fr convenient breaks..
every.. 20 mts. and the occasional
lighting of cigarette from the cigarette shop just 2 minutes from the
stadium main gate, Since flammable Items not allowed in the stadium.
Down with those damn terrorists.
The only thing between him and the post are the 2 rouge defenders. Nikhil and Mallu.
Nikhil is hitting on a girl in the audience. Using sign language.
Mallu is on the feild with 2 phones. One for sms's and the other for calling long distance.
Back to Gamu..
Gamu can see the goal
post manned by Macha. Now macha is the veteran of many matches. Hes won
many gold medals for his heroics on and off the Field. His latest claim
to fame is winning the man of match award before the match. incidentally he fractures his hand in that game.
Back to Gamu..
He's about to score the winning goal. He takes
some time to adjust fr the wind. He takes 2 practice swings at the
ball. In the middle of the Stadium.
The crowd goes wild.
People cheering Gamuuuu.. Gamuuuuuuu......
the meantime the latest acquisition from the Argentinian G side
Gonzalves realises how close Gamu is to the Goal post. He knows Macha
is injured.. he cant save a goal on his left.
its do or die
In the meantime..
Errol sitting high up in his Blimp takes a break from peeing and
spitting on the crowd. And realises i should get back to commentary. He
kick s Raj who was dancing to the Ki(A)NK sound track. And they both
get back to commentary.
Back to Gamu who's still trying to aim for the post.
Gonzalves is running.
Gamu.. is tossed up into the air.
ball vanishes. The stadium disappears. The audience changes into 3
Mustafa ,Nikhil and a very sleepy Mallu.. Gamu lands on his ass.. A
minor tsunami is triggered. People in Indonesia get their feet wet.
Stop day dreaming Gamu.. U cant kick that high..
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Pillow fight.
People tried in vain to ignore the continous chatter of machine guns. As if trying to explain some thing very diffcult the guns went on. It seemed in the distance always.. the War. Now it sounds like its close. Infact it seemed to coming from Ramu's shop. Which is 10 mins away. I could go and check but i dont want to be proven right.
Hope we win. And get it over with.
Ka Boom...
Why are supplies always limited. We are running out of supplies. They cant find out we are short on bullets.
Hope we win..
Ka Boom...
Two soldiers in a ditch.. with Two Grenades and 8 Bullets between them.
Manqet."Its yo and me against the world"
Siel ."When do we attack. And dont worry we already won."
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Damn you Birds
You know a guy has gone crazy if he proclaims he hates birds and how they are pointless. What ever happend to "Free As a Bird". At that brief moment he looked like a Neanderthal. With the arms flailing over his head about to strike. Makes you wonder if we have really evolved when a statement as harmless as "I love birds" could warant an action so extreme. I could count the number of veins on his fore head.
I hope it was an attention grabbing gimmick. Other wise I am reminded of this News paper headline in the Simpsons which read "Local man shouts at cloud" with Abe Simpsons picture .
So basicly if you over hear some one say "I hate birds" look around make a note of the face and make a run for it. I was lucky to get out alive.

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